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As someone that has lived in Miami I have lost all respect for the Cuban exile community. Why should people that couldn’t prevent a clown like Fidel Castro and a few of his buddies taking over their beautiful island and destroying it get preferential treatment in America?? Haitians have it much worse and yet the Cuban exiles have refused to fight for them over decades to have the same access to protected status in America and American citizenship as Cuban migrants?!? And the worst episode was Cubans in Miami standing with the Cuban family that kidnapped Elian Gonzalez and refused to return him to his father all so George W Bush could win Florida!! Bush then proceeded to be the worst president in history failing to stop 9/11 and invading Iraq while shipping jobs to Red China and driving the economy into the ground!! We should rescind the special privileges Cubans get with respect to immigration and citizenship today!!! Or in the alternative the Cuban exiles could use their considerable power in politics to defeat Trump and help the people of Haiti!! Cuban exiles have the power!!

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